33 N. Dearborn Street, Suite 1130, Chicago, IL 60602
5 Convenient Locations
How Much Does It Cost To Obtain My Medical Records?
Essential to any Social Security disability benefits claim is medical records. Medical records are the primary source of evidence used to prove whether a claimant is in fact disabled and unable to work. One major dilemma that claimants routinely have is the inability to obtain their medical records. An individual can have thousands of medical records and the costs can amount to hundreds of dollars that they simply do not have. This is completely understandable, as most claimants have stopped working and have little to no income. Not only can the costs involved with gathering medical records be staggering, but this is particularly difficult for people who are struggling to put food on the table and pay for the day to day medications needed to survive and cope with debilitating medical conditions.
Our Social Security disability law firm represents claimants in a number of different states. In particular, Indiana, Illinois, and Nevada have set state limits on the cost of gathering one's medical records for Social Security disability benefits claims. Below are the limits:
Indiana: The Department of Insurance limits the cost of medical records to $1 per page for the first 10 pages, .50 cents per page for pages 11-50, and .25 cents per page for pages 51 and higher. An additional labor fee of $20 can be charged, but then there would have to be no charge for the first 10 pages.
Illinois: A provider can charge .96 per page for pages 1-25, .64 cents per page for pages 26-50, and .32 cents per page 51 and higher. Like Indiana, providers can charge a handling fee of $25.55.
Nevada: Claimants applying for Social Security disability benefits in Nevada have an advantage over claimants in most other states. State law prohibits charging any fees for medical records for the first copy request.